MISSION: FAITH is Wekiva's Youth choir. It is open to all 6th – 12th grade students, members or non-members of the church. Our rehearsals are on Sunday (5:00pm - 6:00pm). We prepare a variety of music to lead worship, and enjoy adding instrumentation of all sorts. We begin each year with a "Retreat" where we get a jump-start on our music and make lasting friendships. This ensemble leads worship once a month at the 11:00 service. Contact Betsy Bone at betsy@wekivapresbyterian.org.
Our energetic K-5th graders gather every Wednesday from 3:30pm-5:30pm for Bible study, recreation, and music. Covenant Choir, our upper elementary age group, sing from 4:00-4:45, and Primary Praise, our K-2 (or 3rd ) graders, sing from 4:45-5:30. Our schedule follows the Seminole County School Calendar. During the month of December we unite to sing a Christmas program. Contact Aloma Bratek at aloma@wekivapresbyterian.org.
Preschool age children make up our Cherub Choir. The Cherub Choir sings on select Sunday Mornings at the 11am Service. Sign your child up during Kid’s Club!
Contact Aloma Bratek at: aloma@wekivapresbyterian.org.
Our Mission is to Provide Musical Ways for Our Children to Share Their Talents with God.
All Children are Invited and Welcome to Join!